JR Board Meeting – February 3, 2021
Arena Work starts at 8:00am
Signup: 9:00am Gymkhana: 10:00am Costume Parade first then GYMKHANA after the costume parade - 10:00ish - bring water! Lead liners - 6 & Under Shotgun Golf Ball Drop Pole Barrel Horse 7 to 18 year olds: Ring Grab Speed Barrels Lone Barrel Country Cowhorse Big M
10:00am to 2:00am PLEASE RSVP (even though we show 10-2, if no-one is at the club after 12 we'll close and put stuff away) Trail Course will be set up after the queen clinic and can be practiced if you don't need instruction/demonstration for the other four classes. 10-11 - will give demonstration
8:00am signup 9:00am start
6:30 pm Annual Jr. Meeting - Thursday, 11/12/2020 6:30 pm - will put more information out regarding the location as we get closer. Board Positions to be filled: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Point Secretary Jr's must be part of the board at least twice to receive a scholarship from the club. They